If you have to wait a few days for dental surgery to replace a missing tooth and do not want to have a visible gap in your teeth, then you may be offered flipper teeth in the interim.

Depending on your dental procedure, your teeth and gums may need some time to heal after an extraction and will require a resting period before getting your replacement tooth or teeth. If you are concerned about the appearance of your smile while waiting for the next procedure, you can opt for a dental flipper (sometimes called removable partial dentures) to restore the look of your smile temporarily.

Flipper teeth are acrylic resin replacements, intended for short-term use. They’re called flippers because they are easy to flip in and out – it’s a replacement tooth attached to a plate, like dentures, or wires, like bridges.

While they are a relatively inexpensive way to fix your smile, flippers are not recommended as a long-term solution for tooth replacement. They can break easily, and are not comfortable to eat with, much less even wear around the clock. Because of the materials used in making the flippers, they may also bend causing the grip to loosen over time.

If you are wearing flippers now, or will be using them soon, talk to your dentist about the best way to care for these dental appliances. In short, you should wash them after every meal, and at night before bed. Use a dental adhesive, like those marketed for dentures, to keep the flippers bonded securely. Additionally, try not to eat any hard foods while wearing the flippers, and stick to either liquid or soft foods.

If you have any questions about tooth replacement options, speak with Dr. Stephen Coates and his dental team today. Our family dentistry is located in Long Beach, and we have financing options to help you and your family maintain healthy and beautiful smiles, in addition to accepting many dental insurances.

Book your appointment with us by using our online system, or by calling us at 562-434-6414.

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