by Dr. Stephen A. Coates | Mar 2, 2011 | Dental Oral Health, Good Thoughts |
Rinsing with water after eating if you aren’t able to brush. Chewing a piece of sugarless gum to stimulate saliva flow—nature’s own cleanser. Snacking on celery, carrots, or apples; they tend to clear away loose food and debris during the chewing process. Eating a...
by Dr. Stephen A. Coates | Mar 2, 2011 | Dental Oral Health, Good Thoughts |
Nearly 40,000,000 Americans commonly suffer from bad breath, also known as oral malodor or halitosis. Yet, it is usually a curable condition that is generally caused by strong foods such as onions or garlic; poor oral health habits; periodontal disease; or medical...
by Dr. Stephen A. Coates | Mar 2, 2011 | Dental Oral Health, General Health findings |
Besides poor hygiene practices and diet I do not think I have seen anything cause more problems in my patients then smoking. I have never met a smoker who did not eventually develop periodontal disease, a destructive disease that caused loss of jaw bone and teeth....
by Dr. Stephen A. Coates | Mar 2, 2011 | Dental Oral Health, General Health findings |
Periodontal disease is a slowly progressive disease that destroys the gum & bone holding your teeth in place. Unfortunately most people do not know they even have it because by the time you feel it, so much bone may have been lost that you have to pull teeth....