It’s common knowledge that proper oral health can be maintained by brushing and flossing your teeth every day. These activities help keep your mouth clean and teeth healthy by removing plaque and other cavity-causing bacteria. However, it’s not often mentioned which of the two activities should come first. When taking care of your teeth, should you brush or floss first?

Flossing and brushing help prevent gum disease and other oral health issues. Brushing should be done at least twice a day, while dentists recommend flossing once a day. Whether you’re doing it in the morning or at night, flossing works best when it’s done before you even touch your toothbrush.

Flossing helps remove food debris, bacteria, and plaque from between your teeth, which is why you’re better off doing it before brushing. This allows the bristles of your toothbrush to reach deeper between your teeth. In addition, by flossing before you brush, you’re allowing any loosened food particles to be removed from your mouth during the brushing process.

If you brush and then floss, these particles typically settle into your mouth until the next time you brush, leaving more opportunity for dental plaque to form. This increase in dental plaque can put you and your children at greater risk for gum disease.

Because of the list of potential dental health concerns that your child might face, it’s important to instill good habits early. In addition to brushing twice a day, children should also learn to floss while they’re still young. If they’re not motivated to use plain dental floss, make flossing fun by purchasing kid-friendly flossers! Flossers can be found in a multitude of colors, shapes, and themes, including Dr. Seuss and Crayola. There are even some flossers that are flavored in order to entice young children to regularly use them.

Dental health is extremely important. That’s why dental experts advise brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once before brushing. By making preventative dental care a family affair, you and your children will have healthy smiles for years to come!

Need more tips on at-home dental care? Come into our Long Beach general family dentistry and let our experienced team of dental professionals help! Give us a call at 562-434-6414 to book your family’s appointment. You can also request an appointment time by using our online tool here.