Did you know that periodontal disease is often referred to as the sixth complication of diabetes? Periodontal disease – or gum disease – is a condition that progresses and worsens over time, often leading to tooth loss or worse if not treated promptly. It begins when a bacterial infection occurs in the tissue around your teeth, called gingival tissue. The bacteria destroys the tissue and causes the gums to recede, eventually burrowing so deep that it attacks the underlying bone tissue. But what does periodontal disease have to do with diabetes?
According to experts, those with diabetes have an increased chance of contracting periodontal disease because they are more susceptible to infections. This is why periodontal disease is considered a complication of diabetes. Furthermore, those who don’t have their diabetes diagnosed or under control are especially at risk.
Research suggests that the connection between periodontal disease and diabetes goes both ways – periodontal disease could make it harder for those with diabetes to control their levels of blood sugar. This is exceptionally important due to the increase of blood sugar that periodontal disease can cause. This is a big risk for those with diabetes, who could experience severe diabetic complications.
There are 4 key issues linking periodontal disease and diabetes:
- Increased blood sugar
- Blood vessel thickening
- Smoking
- And poor oral hygiene
Click here to learn more about the connections between periodontal disease and diabetes, and what we can do to help you decrease the risk of diabetic complications. With the proper treatments and lifestyle changes, we can improve your overall health and your smile.
Call (562) 434-6414 to schedule your appointment.