With one of the hottest months of summer here with us, there is always the temptation to keep cool with some sweet treats. While this is an effective way to beat the summer heat, most treats have high sugar and fat content, which can harm your teeth.

But you don’t have to forego the refreshing sweet treats just because you fear for your teeth. Watermelons are an excellent option to stay cool while enjoying a sweet healthy snack.

Besides being sweet and delicious, the fruit contains nutrients and vitamins that can benefit your teeth, eyes, and gums. Also, as July happens to be Watermelon month, there is never a better time to enjoy your favorite snack!

Why Go Wild About Watermelons this July?

I bet you’re wondering; why the fuss about watermelons while there are a thousand other fruits that can do the job equally well?

Obviously, it’s because July is Watermelon Month. But far from it! The snack is amazing, and it can be a magic wand for your teeth and overall health. How so?

  1. Contains high water content
    To neutralize the acids in your mouth and prevent the formation of cavities, you need to eat veggies and fruits that contain lots of water. Watermelons have high water content, about 90%, which can aid in washing away food particles and bacteria that can harm your teeth. Besides, the high water content stimulates the release of saliva that has enzymes that break down bacteria.
  2. High fiber content
    Additionally, the fruit contains high fiber content. The fiber scrubs and cleans your teeth as you chew the watermelon. As a result, it removes food particles and curbs the accumulation of dental plaques, which cause tooth decay.
  3. Rich in Vitamins
    Watermelon is also rich in vitamins A and C, which are crucial for your dental health and eyes. Vitamin A helps in healthy gums and strong enamel, while vitamin C strengthens your soft tissues and prevents gum diseases.
  4. Sweet taste with low sugar
    This snack is sweet, meaning you can replace it with your favorite sweet treats. But what makes it a great alternative is that even though you enjoy the extra sweetness, it comes with no additional sugars. Its sugar levels are low, making it a very healthy treat.

Cleaning teeth after eating fruits

Once you’ve eaten your favorite fruit, you want to make sure you clean your teeth well. Drink enough water or rinse your mouth after eating. In turn, this should help dilute any sugars or acids that remain in the mouth.

Wait for about 30 minutes or so before brushing your teeth. Brushing too early or immediately after eating the fruit can easily damage your enamel because fruits contain acids that weaken the enamel temporarily.

Watermelons alone don’t work magic.

Watermelon is not a magic food. While you can reap its immense benefits to your dental and overall health, eating the fruit alone won’t give you results. You need to go the extra mile, and have regular dental checkups and eat a balanced diet.

Making regular dental visits will not only help you detect dental problems, such as enamel wear down and gum diseases at their onset, but also enable you to stop them early. Besides, routine visits help you to make your dental health a part of your daily life.

Cool down in a healthy way!

As we go through this hot Watermelon month, let’s remember to beat the heat in a sweet, healthy way. A 100 grams slice of the watermelon should be enough to get the most out of the fruit to stay healthy and cool this July.

Speaking of summer, did you schedule your routine dental cleaning yet? Summer is also a great time to get your cleaning done! Our Long Beach dental team is accepting new patients, so call us today at 562-434-6414, or use this online form to request an appointment.