Acid Reflux Effects on Your Teeth
Your teeth are important, and they should be taken care of on a daily basis. Amidst brushing, flossing, and going to the dentist on a regular basis, you also need to stay aware of any gastrointestinal issues. There are issues within the digestive system that could cause harm to your enamel over time. A common challenge is acid reflux.
The Diet
Acid is not good for the teeth at all. You may have a good diet, and perhaps even avoid soda, sugar, and carbonated drinks of all types, but there’s more to know. For instance, you should be careful with lemons, oranges, and even pickles. These have acidic properties that could cause damage to the teeth. Once these things go into the stomach, you may experience acid reflux or have issues such as burping that could cause stomach acid to enter the mouth and cause issues with your gums and teeth.
Medical Conditions
For some people, this issue is not a matter of diet, but one of physical condition. For those that are dealing with chronic issues of pH balances going awry, and stomach acid overrunning daily routine, it’s important to consult a physician. A doctor can prescribe something to help restore balance, and allow for the stomach to settle a bit easier. Avoiding certain foods can help, but it’s important to make sure that this is not the sign of a larger issue.
For Dental Issues
It’s important to take care of tooth issues over time. Visit a dentist regularly, and make sure that you discuss any diet changes, or concerns with acidic elements of your diet. There’s a lot of issues that can manifest as a result of acid reflux, and your dentist can help give you tips and tricks to avoid letting your teeth get harmed. Do not neglect to discuss this issue with your dentist, and make sure that when consuming anything acidic, you brush, rinse, and floss. Furthermore, if this issue continues, seek medical attention as it may be the sign of something problematic within your stomach. Just remember, acid erodes tooth enamel, even if it’s just a little bit. Be cautious with acid reflux and acidic foods.